Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Response: Portfolio review

At the thought of portfolio reviews, my knees began to buckle, but now that it's in the past it wasn't quite as terrible as I thought. Although it's scary to put yourself on the chopping block, it truly helps to have the input of your peers and especially peers who are familiar with your work. I know that I have a lot of revisions to make, and I'm quite frankly not even sure where to start, but nonetheless it's exciting to get going. Picking pieces for a mini portfolio is going to be rather difficult, since I want to include something from every area that I've done, such as a cover, a feature, a department, iPad work, iPhone work and business cards. Then, after class, Katie told me that we can include our artwork as well. I took art for two years in high school and I was an art minor at Mizzou for two years (I dropped my minor...)and I have some pieces that I'm pretty proud of, so I would like them to be included in my portfolio. The most difficult thing is trying to pry into the minds of my future prospective employers. It's hard to know what they will want, since all magazines are so different and are looking for such different things.

I have an online portfolio of my writing and editing work since I've had a handful of jobs/internships with those two areas, but making the decisions for my design portfolio is much scarier.

I'm excited to get started on my mini portfolio and later on my giiiiiant portfolio!

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