Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Critique: vignette covers

First of all, this isn't quite a critique; it's more of an update.

This week, I'm in the cover group that is designing for the Vignette feature story that will be coming out on the 15th. I had QUITE the difficult time getting started on the project. How many times have I used the word "vignette"? Not often at all, so I didn't have very many ideas associated with the word. (Also, there is not any text on the server, SO I'm basically flying blind.) However, after doing some Googleing and image-searching, I came up with a few workable ideas.

Here's a screen shot of the cover that I'm currently working on:
If you don't already know, I'm a huge book nerd and one of my major life goals is to have a library just like the one in Beauty and the Beast, rolling staircase and all (except probably smaller...sadly). Anyways, being the book-lover that I am, for Christmas I got these beautiful leather bound books such as Arabian Nights and Alice in Wonderland that have gold leafed pages and gold wax printing. That was my inspiration for this cover. However, since I only got started today, I'm struggling with the typography. I want to trace a beautiful font from the books that Theresa showed us in lab last week, but I have yet to have time to. Hopefully they enjoy this cover so that I can rework it into something beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. For flying blind you did a really good job with the covers. I like the concept of the book cover although I don't know how well it goes with a vignette, not that I know much about what vignettes are. My favorite was the cover you showed today with the yarn. I think with the colors better (I know you said the printer did not do the photo justice) that it could look really awesome. It also allows you to play with some fun color blocking. Can't wait to see what you do for next week! Good luck!
