Saturday, February 4, 2012

You can't miss - "Songlines"

I was wandering around Eye blog and I noticed a section titled "music design".  Since I'm working on the cover for Lonnie Barker, I was very curious to see what this section had to offer me for inspiration. Although this post was published back in October and the content was created for Warner Chappell's bicentenary, I still think that the designs are awesome. Basically, the concept was that graphic designers took clips of lyrics and turned them into visual images. If you don't want to check out all of the examples, here are a few of my favorites:

R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion"

Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"

Sorry that the images are so large, but you couldn't read the text otherwise. I think that these pieces are very inspiring and I love the way that they intertwine music and art design. It kind of gives you a whole new way to look and dissect certain lyrics in certain songs (mainly awesome ones, as the two listed above). In the first one especially, it makes me think about how powerful lines are and how much of an impact they have without placing any graphics.


  1. Wow. The first design definitely gave me a headache... not sure if it's the excessive amount of coffee I've had today or the design, but that was way too much for me to handle.

    I did like the second one though! I think placing the text into circles and THEN placing them into a creative design was really inspiring. It actually made me want to know what the song was about. (Not a big Led Zeppelin fan, but touche to you!)

    Anyways, liked the post because I'm a fan of using typography to make art. Hope to see more!

    1. Andrea Piamonte!!! You just committed music blasphemy by admitting you haven't heard "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zepplin ahhh I am speechless.

  2. Whitney I think the most interesting thing about the two designs that you put up on your blog about the music lyric is there incredible difference in style. I don't know if they were created by different artist, but just visually they are so unique from one another. I think the concept is really cool and if anything you can see an idea can take shape in many different ways. It makes me think you should never limit an idea to one design even if the first design works.

  3. I can't get over the top design. It kinda blows my mind. It is so cool. I'm not sure if I would ever try and use it for anything but it's really cool. Looks like so much work though. I think there's a lot of differences between the top design and the bottom, but the top one is much more appealing to my eye. Very cool!

  4. WHITNEY, THESE ARE AWESOME! I'm so glad you posted these. Andrea. GIRL, go listen to Led Zeppelin right now! I'm not sure I love the colors in the "Stairway to Heaven" poster, but the R.E.M. one is amazing. It's chaotic but I'm really into it.

  5. I love, love, love the R.E.M design! It is so fantastic. I cannot imagine how long it took someone to create that. Aside from the sheer concept, the first design's use of color is great. Obviously there is a predominate red and green palette, but the touch of blue and yellow in certain areas really enhances the design. The use of color with the lines helps lead the eye around the page and keep it within the page. I can't stop looking at it!
